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Where To Buy Your Dog

It may seem as easy to buy a dog as it is to go out and buy a TV - you just open your local newspaper and pick the advert with the cheapest possible puppies for sale. There are hundreds of dogs for sale at a cheap price. Or you could visit a pet shop that sells dogs, couldn't you?
This cannot be stressed enough. If you want to be sure of acquiring a well-bred, properly reared, pedigree dog from healthy parents and with the right temperament for the breed, then your only option is to contact a reputable breeder.
You must have proper documentation for your dog, which should detail the relevant health tests of the parents. Therefore, buying a pedigree dog with a pedigree supplied and a Kennel Club registration document is just as important for the average pet buyer as it is for somebody wanting a potential show dog.
It is important to have the right and proper papers for your dog. On this, it will show you the history of the dog and his parents, the health test done and other important things that a new puppy owner should know.
There are a lot of people out there who breed dogs just to make money. To be able to make money out of breeding puppies, corners have to be cut - usually in the form of the dog's health - a problem often encountered with dogs bred and sold from puppy farms and puppy mills.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5349230

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